Testifying in Court
This is your big moment to tell the court your side of the story. Usually when you have a lawyer, they call you as a witness to testify in court and ask you questions. As a Self-Representing Litigant you are going to have to give your evidence either by taking the stand (stand in the witness box and swear or affirm you are telling the truth) or by way of affidavit you have previously prepared. You don’t necessarily need to testify but often there is evidence only you can present. You may be the only one with personal knowledge of a situation; this is especially true in family cases. E.g. you are the only one that can describe you were financial impacted by the separation and your personal experience not being able to find a job. Prepare your evidence to be given through an affidavit but remember that a judge may ask you to take the stand. You may wish to consult with a legal professional when writing your affidavit, for more information review Getting Help .
Fill in the Testimony Worksheet to help you set down in writing what it is you are going to present to the court as your evidence.

Lawyer’s Tips
The judge and the other party may ask you questions; you must answer clearly and truthfully.